JDBen said:
There are thousands of kids who don't go to SR anymore because of this very reason.
Haha, because he has access to SRs webstats. SR grows every month.
Im not talking shitt on him, but kids on here don't use mommy and daddy to get noticed by companies. Riders on here want to get sponsored by companies that are for the sport. We don't care about Nixor, they are selling scooters for profit, not for the sport itself... same with Razor. Notice how less and less people care about razor these day? Everyone wants to get sponsored by SR, French ID, Proto and all of these new small companies popping up. Ride for the sport, not so some company can make a bunch of money off of you. We know what Andrew is doing with the sport, he wants REAL scooters, made by riders, made in America. He is doing things we need for the sport. Nixor is going to make a cheap china scooter, tested by a kid that weighs 100 lbs.