Dan Barrett's 2012 Web Edit


the smith to hop across the stairs to feeble down the hubba definitely should have been the banger

Travis House

Wu-Tang Master
Staff member
Enjoyed watching it thats for sure. I agree that there were a lottttt of scooter fakies but I kinda just let it go because some of those combos just blew my mind. The one at 3:48 was deff too much though.

That nollie into the rail was my fav clip!

Arnor Smari

Bronze member
I understand how difficult some of those combos are and I'm really into tech myself but most of the stuff he does (sf, smith, nosemanual combos) basically all look the same to me.

Kevin Booth

Bronze member
he's so good and i think this edit was enjoyable except for the song to the long ass intro. plus all his techy combos all look the same like arnor said, some good bangers but for the most part all these have abd by him before.


Bronze member
i loved it ! i actually enjoyed all the b roll and the intro it was well done and the filming was great

Bryce R.

Bronze member
Scooterfakies were actually really sick. I agree that the song was shitty and the intro was two long but any Dan footy is sick so I can't complain.

issac p

Silver Member
i liked it. the song didnt really flow well with the riding for a few clips though.
the line with the 1st frontflip surprised me haha

D ∆ V I D

Basic Bunch
he did a good job putting it together. i like his riding but the production itself behind it just motivated me to keep watching it. :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: