I searched everywhere i could sorry if this is already posted... if you dehub a metal core or wear it down too much is there a way to get it fixed or something so you dont have to pay for a whole new one?
chandler olsen said:not true.
my friend super glued his vapor back and my friend is trying to super glue a proto right now.
chandler olson wrote... my friend super glued his vapor back and my friend is trying to super glue a proto right now
Taylor_Davis said:so eagle i have 2 yak metal cores just like robs if i get the rubber off could you possibly urethane them?
Dre said:he tried to ride it before it was fully cured probably..
And you're retarded if you think supergluing a wheel together will work well, it will put unnecessary stress on the part that broke off, plus it will alter it's shape and the rebound on it will probably be all messed up, making it slower.
x2Christian Mesa said:lol even if u could i remember reading somewhere for the price ur better off buying a new metal core.