Devolv Collective is looking for a team! UPDATE TEAM CHOSEN! PG 4.


Deadline is in 2 days. Team will be announced on Wednesday at 12:00 pm (Eastern time)


bahahahahahahaha, team sucks anyway, I sent in a vid hoping for a free t-shirt

The team does not suck, Chris is on micro. Matt is little street boos. Jason salajcik park boss. Todd duff is all around good. and the rest are good too. Clearly its a good thing i didn't pick you for our team because you sportsmanship is terrible. And i don't think i ever even received an email from you??

Nick Griffin <3

Steel Member
thats so stupid, its not like i live close enough to you to where itd be the same 3 kids at chenga repping it, i ride all around, i go to woodville and can tell all the kids there to buy it and just yeah


thats so stupid, its not like i live close enough to you to where itd be the same 3 kids at chenga repping it, i ride all around, i go to woodville and can tell all the kids there to buy it and just yeah

Flow team will be coming soon, You could possibly have a spot on that if you would like, I wont have discounts either you'll actually get stuff on flow.