Do Eagle HC Wheels really make a difference to speed?

Beau Williams

Bronze member
Or should i just get chemas sig protos instead?
I really love the look of the chemas sigs although some super fast wheels would be so much nicer to ride, i heard the eagles are meant to be super fast. Can anyone confirm this?


Gold Member
ofcourse now everyones gonna tell you to get protos

HC's are lighter, also eagle wheels grip to concrete well too, but dehub/chunk easier, as thats just what eagle wheels are like

a reason to get the eagles is because you are wanting less weight on your scooter, ride concrete parks alot and land alot of your stuff clean, no sketchy shit

protos are probably your better option if you are the opposite of that^


Silver Member
I hand a hallow tech in the front and a gripper in the back it slowed my scooter doun some but it was a nice wheel while I wated on the replacement from proto


Silver Member
Well if you flow a lot and don't trick spam and land sketchy a lot, then get Eagles. I had a pair of the spoked and they were super nice till I dehubbed the back wheel, after like a month. lol

Grippers on the other hand are super nice (as long as you get the new batch) plus they look legit af

Beau Williams

Bronze member
I have sliders atm and when i fakie sometimes my wheels give way under me, and i like the speed i used to have with eagles


Bronze member
Hollowtechs are shit. If you dont catch your whips before landing they will chunk really quickly. And they ovalise really easily too. Proto wheels are the best choice for anyone really. If you want SUPER strong wheels you can get phoenix, ive had my phoenix wheels for well over a year and they are still perfect for me and still not showing any signs of extreme wear or breaking. But if you want good strong fast wheels then i would say get protos.

Beau Williams

Bronze member
im not bothered about strength and yes i do catch everything and my rails and grinds are clean as, the only thing is i ride harsh ground most of the time and do powerslides and love to carve banks. my sliders only lasted me 2 months before they went square and chunked. If the eagles are fast and last me a month or two i wouldnt mind


Silver Member
they probably wont last you long if you broke sliders in two months, remember to wear in wheels as in my experience it makes a fair bit of difference. but hc wheels wouldnt be that good anyway would they as heavy wheels are supposed to make scooters whip much better as they give you momentum

Beau Williams

Bronze member
I was mainly looking for a grippier and faster wheel, i have fullcore sliders atm and im pretty sue ill get the chemas sig seeing as spoked protos are supposedly faster and they are grippers too

Or maybe phoenix seeing as they apparently last really long, idk ill just decide when i go to buy em