look on the last page of the updated legit list and u will see why. he tried to rip me off stupid kid
Timmybmx123 is UNLEGIT so here is the deal...
I heard from 3 people he was unlegit but he wanted my bike parts and i told him he has to ship first or ship same day. we had it planned ship same day. he was supposed to ship 2 proto wheels one silver one gold, a set of bars and 100 bucks for my bmx seat and post a front wheel a tire and set of cranks. well i obviously dont trust this kid so and by the tracking and the weight of the box there was no way it was legit so i waited till it got her which was today and here is what was in this huge box.... A bottle a empty box and some trash 2 shit wheels fucked up bars, a stick and 2 cut old razor pro grips..
you should ship his shit back possibly with some other garbage in it and tell him to PISS OFF
Guys thats not his home number i kno the kid he goes to my school hes gay his real number is 765 1629
take a poop in like 8 ziplock bags and ship it to him