Steel Member
Ahhhhh man that suucks
yea too bad you can't barpsin & I have those Rads and they're in perfect conditioni throw my scooter one time i cracked them when i did not land this deck slide to truck driver and my rads cracked when i threw it , then they totally bent and i was so mad even though i landed the trick :'( oh well
i did it for the first time ever like 2 days ago cause some gay ass rail wouldnt let me double peg it. but im to scared to actually throw it, i just ghost rode it. if you pay over 500 for something you shouldnt treat it like shit
Didn't you break your buff crossbar like four times from throwing your scooter?
oh yeah. i threw an a model into a tree recently cuz it hit my ankle. but on my real scoot... lets just say when i do throw it, i throw it responsibly
WTF! pea shooting im pritty shore its called poo shooting
Pretty beast fronty.
You don't see sunday dropping arron ross.