Does anyone ride in Scotland?


ok SR is so full of noobs and people, I pretty much only go on the UK section because I know most people on it and there weren't any fags that got on my nerves. Not anymore.
JDBen, just be quiet, I'm so suprised you've not been banned yet, pretty much everyone on here is fed up of you, so just sort your attitude out or just don't say anything.
Did you used to have an account called Beng Grantham? Cause if I recall properly everyone got pissed off with him too.


Lol literally every thread JDben pops up in everyone slags him off, thats starting to annoy me abit.
I mean sure hes a dick and if he doesnt get the picture just ignore his posts, serioisly like all threads are now like 3 pages of JDben hate its getting annoying just to find what it was actually about to start with...


Steel Member
JDBen said:
i didnt get banned,serious i didnt,not once
i was realy confused when i seen your name at first, 9/27/08 , i was like wtf, the 9th of the 27thmonth 2008, that doesnt make sense, but then i realised americans do it the other way round.