I can stand a lot about people, but double standards are one thing that just make me rage...
I for example hate blocoli, past 20 years have been like that, nothing changed, nothing will change... when I'm having dinner with my mom, and there's brocoli she's always like "Ah, you won't even try that..." "You don't even know if you like it..."
And when I'm eating some self made burritos, she's like... ewww, that's ugly... funny thing is, I tried brocoli and I didn't like it, she never tried my self made burrito and yet she has the nerve to criticize it... I rage so hard when she does that...
When a guy bangs a lot of girls, hes the man; but if a girl bangs a lot of guys, theyre just a slut.
Oh, that's not double standards, that's simple logic...
Imagine you had a key that opened every lock in town... you would call it master key, such a key is just... THE KEY!!
Now imagine you had a lock on your door, poor and shitty, and it could be opened by every key in town... yep, it's a shitty lock and you probably wouldn't put it on your door...