Double whips??


Steel Member
Thanks everyone - so much closer now! I find it easier off a curb than a kicker, so I might have to go find a huge ledge...


Bronze member
that was way easier for me at first ^
i just didnt know how to use the kicker properly
once u get better its just gonna be a natural thing and double whips are gonna be like regular whips


Steel Member
Is it just me being weird or does anyone else find them easier barely moving - that's the only way I can keep it under me.


Bronze member
Is it just me being weird or does anyone else find them easier barely moving - that's the only way I can keep it under me.

its the same with me i cant do em going fast. I got themm off this thing lower than a curb and it was like i was standing still.


Silver Member
Unlike single whips, You do have to try to kick the deck away as hard as you can and then it's all in the wrist motion