Dumbest Ever??


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nick darger said:
hauling ass down a hill on the phone i hit a pothole and fell over

i did the same thing
but i was txtin

and yesterday i was jumping this ten and i was screwing around making motorcycle noises "braps" and i was like brap brap brap in the air and felll pretty hard when i landed
itll be on youtube soon
i went to skate barn and i was messing around and did a bar spin and didnt really try up a curb..and my back wheel casedhaha..and i wend over the baqrs and scraped my stomach..hahah..SO DUMB


I was jumping a ditch, and I was really tired, so i jumped too early, didnt make it, and landed on a used tampon in the ditch. :(


Serjey Noga said:
i went to skate barn and i was messing around and did a bar spin and didnt really try up a curb..and my back wheel casedhaha..and i wend over the baqrs and scraped my stomach..hahah..SO DUMB

me and my friend where making a snow tunnel he was on one side i was on the other he hit me in the head i ended up getting 3 staples
ok i got 2 stories so in cali a block fom andrews house hes liek yes i allmsot died on a fuzion on this hill i was liek take me 2 it its stepp got 2 sharp turns and at the end u go stright or make a super sharp rediclous left turn so i hit about 45 50 im slowign down probly about 25 30 mph decide to make the left turn drifted lost controll and hit a telefone pole

back fliping drunk over rotated 1 got the wind knocked out and pretty shaken up
i was riding really fast and for some reson,i PUT MY FOOT IN FRONT OF THE WHEEL.then i flipped over my bars and like my elbow and legs were bleeding. and im like !@#$#@!.lol.then i started roliing on the floor, laghing


woooo i actually have a story for once. i was jumping INTO an x factor ramp and fucked up and all my weight landed on my knee and it turned white and was indented. shit poured blood for about 8 hours straight, no exaggeration.
when scooters first came out i rode thru a leaf pile really fast it was full of wet heavy fresh cut grass so i stopped instanly and flew over the bars almost broke my elbow