Dylan Kasson picture thread.


I own SR.
Alex Steezeman said:
Not meaning to thread jack, but hella pro bmx'ers have said that Salton Sea is one of the best pools there is, ever. I was actually gonna ask you, Andrew, if we could hit that up.
I was already planning on it if everyone else was down for it.
Dylan said:
even though it was pouring all of tonight and even though i tried to take a turn going like 40mph on my roadbike and completely wiped out because of the rain it was a productive night of photo taking





I love the 2nd and 3rd one.
I love your pictures dude.


awesome, you know i love abandoned buildings.

i would've liked the 3rd one better if the whole room was lit up, but still really nice.

Dylan Kasson

Steel Member
yea there was like 10 abandoned buildings and this girl i was with stepped on a rusty nail and it went through her foot so that kinda ended the day with a nice trip to the emergency room.....so we only got to see like half of the buildings im going back next weekand probobly