Edison, December 6th.

Lil Steve

Jon, Im meeting Angelo at the banks around 4:30 or 5:00 so we can probably just wait for you. I know your always not on time so just make sure your there at 6:00.
Bus Tickets are booked. My bus ends at a place called Port Authority at 42nd and 8th. Its mad close to Penn, so Angelo, that's where your meeting me at 7 to 7:30ish. I'm staying at Brandon's both nights, and I'm take the train with Brandon, or whoever else, to Edison.

Lil Steve

Alright. I get out of school at 1:50 so ill catch the 3:30 train. Ill be in the city around 5:00 and then ill meet up with Angelo at the banks around 5:15. Me and Angelo are gonna meet up with Jon at the banks around 6:15. After that we will go get Conor.


na me and jon are not going we gunna ride mad spots saturday and we needa film stuff for some video