Envy aos v2 thoughts


Bronze member
I'm really considering about getting this deck. It looks pretty strong but i'm just not really sure. Just wanted to see what everyone elses thoughts are about this deck. Also, what other decks would you reccomend?

issac p

Silver Member
someone just made a thread about this like a week ago dude. use search before making new threads next time.

imo this deck is way too small, and not very strong.


Bronze member
someone just made a thread about this like a week ago dude. use search before making new threads next time.

imo this deck is way too small, and not very strong.

Sorry, the search bar isnt working for me. Whenever i type something in and enter it says "the answer given for this random question was incorrect". I was also thinking of getting the tsi threshold deck. Seems much better then the aos v2.

issac p

Silver Member
thresholds and the aosv2 arent even close to being in the same level of quality. if you have the money for the tsi, then get it.