Epic Rewinds vs ZG Drop V

Hey, I currently have the epic rewind bars and my friend offered me his almost brand new Zero gravity drop v bars. I am trying to decide what I should do. He is also throwing in a Proto half knuckle. I am just trying to figure out which will last me longer? Overall what is the better bar?


Steel Member
I had Drop V's and they were strong nd solid. I have Rewinds on the way in the mail, haha. I would say it'd be a fair trade, go with what you like.
both are good bars. if you like your rewinds then keep them. but for me the half knuck would be tempting

Yeah I know. They are both like very new looking. And the ZG bars are $90 and the half knuck is $40. Compared to the epic that are $70. Even tho price doesn't matter that just seems like a good deal. Just wanted to know if the Zero gravity bars are like strong, durable bars. And how do they compare to the epics

Casey Hendrix

Steel Member
there alot better quality because they take there time making there stuff and you dont have problems with the slits like on sz bars