epic scooters?

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Steel Member
Well then who ever told you that lied, it's just the new scooter zone parts

yea dude jacob when i went to the new scooterzone to get my vipers
capron didnt even know what it was and nick said its a new company they sell parts for and nick just rides the deck and fork so whoever told you its scooterzone stuff lied


Steel Member
ya nick rides the parts and they sell the decks but who knows for sure... James

hey well theres only one way to find out if scooterzone did make it...just call the main shop the one in riverside and ask if they make the parts
which im almost 100% positive the dont make them because i kid you not capron had noo idea what epic even was lmfao


well if epic is a new company they totaly copied SZ with there wheels core step down design.

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