Equalibryum bands


Steel Member
If magnets did ANYTHING to affect your blood and make you more energized, 90 year old grannies would be coming out of an MRI scan doing back handsprings.


Bronze member
i have a mojo band that its the same thing just a dif comp. i will sell it ahaha if anyone wants it.
well if you belive its works and your mind makes your body belive it works by resiting more when someone trys to push you over. then doesnt that work.


Bronze member
i keep it in my headset so my scooter will never fall over, if you buy one of these puppies and put it on your scooter it will never i repeat never STOP GHOST RIDING.


Steel Member
my ass hairs make me have a constant high. of course all of it is bullshit. there is no way that a bracelet could make you have good balance.

Mickey G.

Same thing as a ouija board. People say that ghosts make the words form, when really its your mind playing tricks on you. Your the one moving it, even though it doesn't seem like it. Weird.
Same thing as a ouija board. People say that ghosts make the words form, when really its your mind playing tricks on you. Your the one moving it, even though it doesn't seem like it. Weird.

Then why do they say random words and numbers. Your not thinking it. And I dought your mind is telling your hands to spell words out


Silver Member
Of course they work silly.

Every human body leans to one side because they have a 3 gram weight difference on each side. I mean every human body does.

Naturally, when you place the perfectly weighted band on your arm, it makes the weight distribution even, allowing you to balance better.