There clearly oem, which is fine but they'll never be as good as they look. They all come from the same chinese factories. FSP has the same wheels. There also available on ebay directly from China. These are nothing but marked up Yak quality wheels. If your on a budget go for yaks or save up and buy a pheonix or proto. The mid-priced wheels are just marked up oems.
word. they look cool, but they suck.
Cores are produced in mass per se but other companies don't have the ability to specify material compounds nor hardness. If you've followed the Elite prototype thread you'll see that we've made substantial changes to these wheels over the past few months. You guys certainly make blanket statements that are very untrue- we stand by these wheels and can attest that they are comparable to or will surpass any of the top wheels on the market. We challenge you to find stock wheels that are of the same hardness and quality as what will be included with the Elite.
You clearly forget that we are not a distributor nor a small market company and have the ability to control our manufacturing directly. There's a huge difference between buying complete OEM wheels and improving upon OEM wheels to meet our quality specs. All major aftermarket wheel brands were tested and scrutinized in the development of this particular compound.
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