Joe Collins
I keed I keed
wow how many times do i have to tell people....i wont be pregnant forever only like 3 more weeks or so... so after.
Sorry for my ignorance but what is the difference between Phorx and the TLC?
I dont get that though. How does it only work with oversized suicides?
Oversized bars are all the same size.
I understand they have to make money too, but thats kind of dumb. I think the tlc is a good idea, but it would sell a lot more if it worked with any oversized bars.
I think they do it so kids buy there TLC fork then it doesn't work with anything so they go all fffffuuu- and make their momehs buy them the suicides
Alright I'm good.
what does everyone think?
I think they do it so kids buy there TLC fork then it doesn't work with anything so they go all fffffuuu- and make their momehs buy them the suicides
no one cares stop sucking mgps dickso sick,but mgp is better