DSA gets them next week, Non-Wholesale site probably 4-5 days later (DSA is AMAZING at shipping goods out).
I'm a confused child, Addict or FRiD?
idk ill ask himIs the one on the lefts name Kelden? Haha it looks like my buddies scooter that's there
Woodward :0. Cabin mates scooters and mine.cutout life .
I misspoke the addict distributor in the US of A will be: "eastwardsports"
I'm about to buy a shirt off the site just to judge the wait time to get a single product, hopefully it won't be long at all and these decks can get out to the riders sooner.
But to the comments regarding my confusion: i love 4.25 (district v2), my only issue is that it is too short for my likings. I have ridden a 4.5 and really didn't dislike it, but it was nothing i had fond memories of. I guess I'll wait and see if any of the addict decks are 4.25x20.XX (original dimensions), because apparantly each deck has different specs?
Woodward :0. Cabin mates scooters and mine.cutout life .
tilt shirt and a powder coated neon green tsi chromo clamp
looks so nice in green
i wish i was in your cabin i was in a cabin with like 12 yearolds and im 14 almost 15 and they just talked about wieners and how they penatrated each others moms all night sooooooooooo gay
i wish i was in your cabin i was in a cabin with like 12 yearolds and im 14 almost 15 and they just talked about wieners and how they penatrated each others moms all night sooooooooooo gay
was a kid named Myles Mitchell, Cameron Lum, Ryan Fagen, Fedora, or Alan silva in your cabinThe kids in my cabin were fucking finger boarding til 12 so I couldn't sleep