Nick Griffin <3
Steel Member
sacrifice is trying hard to be district.
sacrifice is trying hard to be district.
Considering district decks are one of the strongest, lightest and arguably best feeling decks on the market, I don't blame them in the slightest.
Got these in at work today. They feel / look really good. Just not a huge fan of the drop outs.
ive been riding mine for almost a year and i just started grinding through it and its not bananad.
If you haven't seen already
but i wouldnt agree that districts are one of the strongest, they just arent.
My new phoenix suicides v2 NO backsweep 22w 21h no slit
no bro districks are anything but strong i think i had a pro model last longer than one of those things haha
Yeah yeah but then it gets down to weight of the rider, riding style, etc etc. The number of districts that ive seen that are broken in comparison to other decks, is easily more. could it be because theyre more popular and see more of them? maybe. but they do tend to do that.
but i am 100% you know all this already. im just killing time before an exam yo haha.