Grant Schofield
Silver Member
Stan said on facebook SD and OSOversized?
thats so sick, wish i never sold my old pro setupuhh, more details here (& thanks for the recognition, burnz!)
not eyecandy to me but im sure many people on here want these
Stop. Now
pics or it didnt happen
found this in walmart duing the black friday madness. it was on sale for $50, i found it interesting that it doesn't have a goose-neck ht
two candy ass posts in a row by brothers
wtf is wrong with you guys
i told him to post it in eye sore and i like that sacrifice
have you see the downtube?
the sacrifice isnt that bad. the dropouts are retarded though.
fuck you all, I would shred this.
are you complaining because its curved on the bottom so its a little easier to foot jam?