favorite tricks?...


flip a old break over and hammer it down into the inside of the deck so that it keeps the real break from moving. I have pics if anyone wants them IM me at 'Jysta' Im too lazt to host em all


The tennis ball was Andrew's idea, but when I was using that my fork cut through the ball and cut a hole in my trampoline. So I got an old suspension fork and took out the bolt so it was like 1/2 the size of a normal fork, then I put a tennis ball over that too and havn't had any problems with that.

Kevin Vannauker

Bronze member
not to be off topic but..

i have an old A trampscooter.. this was one of my A's that was broken, the dropouts snapped. so i put a cloth over/around the forks and then duct taped the hell out of it, then i just duct taped the back of the deck where the dropouts used to be. i learn all my flip/ flair stuff on it, its really great.


Steel Member
Kevin Vannauker said:
not to be off topic but..

i have an old A trampscooter.. this was one of my A's that was broken, the dropouts snapped. so i put a cloth over/around the forks and then duct taped the hell out of it, then i just duct taped the back of the deck where the dropouts used to be. i learn all my flip/ flair stuff on it, its really great.
thats what i did, but i cut off my forks....never really use it tho,lol.
my favirotes r, 720s,720whips,trucks,3whip to barspin,truck to whip,flipwhips,flip turndowns,flip 1 foot 1 hand x,540 airs, lookback airs, turndown airs,barspin to taliwhip airs,360whip to barspin,nothing no foot cancan to late whip,fronties into foam,barspin to pendulim,360 unlookback to lookback and double barspin to manuel round to whip dropin