Horrible picture but I cant be bothered find the pics from each setup separately.
Left to right to then bottom
Close up G2 5Boro, a gift from Damien (this are limited to europe only)
Close up G2 5Boro gift from Damien (this are limited to europe only)
Naipe Medium (my pro model)
Substance Ceramics
FBS e-smooth
The cheapest quality complete setup you can get right is a close-up.
You can get them on www.flatface.com, www.closeup.fr or at my shop www.massacreshop.com
Thats if you are looking for a nice starters setup. Its not the highest quality setup out there but i'd say it is the best on its price range.
I'm sponsored by OK): wich has a lincense to print Naipe Skateboard graphics on fingerboards. And naipe now has its its fingerboarding team on the making wich im also part of.
You can see OK): products at www.okfingerboard.com.br, ramps arent for sale overseas due to payment issues, once he figures a way to cash paypal payments he might take orders of ramps worldwide, shipping will be expensive tough our post office is mega greedy.
As for Naipe you can see their skateboarding related stuff at www.naipeskate.com.br the fingerboards you can see them on OK website and ocasionally I sell them thru massacre. Next batch of decks should be on stock in a few weeks, they will be from the regular/mellow/hardcore molds wich were reamade to have a better shape and lacquer is much nicer now that he got an air compressor gun to spray it evenly.
I randomly bring a tech deck to school and shred and everyone is like amazed by stuff i do. I don't really ever fb or whatever its called though, except when i'm in school. I break trucks like everyday though