fingerboard setups


I have a park too.. Half Blackriver-ramps half Ok): ramps pretty much. Its a fb plaza thing I desingned and the OK): Ramps owner built and some random BRR ramps.
I used to have a bigger park with some random plastic ramps and some stuff I biult myself but I gave it to a friend and now I have this park.



Theres still a BRR street plaza and a quarter low, ramps can be quite expensive for some people but if you're able to afford and love fingerboarding as much as I do you'll buy a lot of stuff without even thinking. Blackriver and Ok): ramps quality is too good I could never make something near as good and I tried.
My youtube user name is "MAGAIVER" i have a few videos there, nothing on this new par tough the Ok): plaza came today didnt film yet.


The halfpipe and those ramps joined togher cost him $150 all up cause he lives in brasil and the postage didnt rape him lol


does anyone wanna sell me a fingerboard??? or just give me an old one??? i dont care at all about what type it is, even a tech deck is good, just as long as its in ok condition =]


im too lazy.....and idk where to get them......if someone could hit me up with a link on where to get a board.....and maybe some tips on what some good brands are.........
dude just go get a tech deck from like target or something or walmart idk if they sell them coz im not american and i took a guess coz walmart seems to sell everything on tv shows


Got this a while ago and forgot to post it here.
Finally a deck that matches berlinwoods to me.
Downtown Mellow decK
Substance ultimates



And to clear the question about my park.
The Ok): plaza costed U$150,00 shipped
The Ok): pallets I got for free
The +blackriver-ramps+ I got all of them besides the Pallet used from ffi trades/auctions I'm not sure how much I spent but I dont care I was in the US the whole winter working my ass off and so I could afford all my stuff (fingerboarding and others) and still gave my mom some money.
And yes I do have a lot of fingerboarding stuff I've been doing it for 7 years I would have 3 times more stuff If i didnt sell give pretty much all the stuff i dont use.

All my fingerboarding items.


bobby holford said:
T*R*I*S*T*A*N said:
bobby holford said:
how much did all tho ramps cost around 50$ or more?
haha your dreamin mate, it cost more then a 150$ lol

if they were cheeper i could see buying them but god for that much i can buy ramps for my real skateboard lol
there is this kid in morristown that bought every single ramp from BRR. I think he spent over $1000 dollars.

Magaiver your park is sick!!