no actually theres no way I'm doing either haha. stairs are just dumb and I have a euro/stair ramp. I'm gonna do jersey barriers, wallie curbs. tranny up/normal curbs. bars. and a square plaza thing woth fake plants in the middle
stuff I made today, from left to right: curb (only one sanded), up curb, medium bar, large bar. I havent sanded the up and bars thats why they look bad.
My friend just gets a ton of free granite blocks, and we use them as boxes
Finally found the skate tool, I hate have loose trucks.
Also, I hate switch heels
From left to right: Prowood zebrawood extreme shape with rip, BRR trucks with no comply dual bearing wheels, Prowood classic shape graphic deck(for sale), flatface deck (free), FF G12 premium, Berlin wood ASI deck with rip, BRR Trucks, Flatface centralized wheels.