

Steel Member
i have a quick question, how come fingerboards cost as much as they do?

they cost so much because of the craftsmanship and the woods they used to make it. They could have bought the wood for 70 dollars and worked on 10 decks in a batch for like 7 hours on each of them and then they find out that they countersunk them wrong or fucked up on the sanding and made it too thin or short. its also really time consuming making it. I think thats mostly why they are so expensive. I mean look at a berlinwood compared to a wooden tech deck. sooo much better. I made one before and it took me sooo long to make. and i realized i countersunk wrong and sanded it to 23mm wide by 90mm long. I spent like 15 on the wood tho. plus i didnt have a molder.
I don't know why but it's so awkward when the dudes are so serious that they make it look like their hand is a person and everything. Fingerboarding is sick and takes a ridiculous amount of coordination but that makes it really lame imo.

x1000000. i honestly love my fingerboard, and i love fingerboarding, but i think its kinda corny when people make their fingers look like people and make them walk and shit. again, this is coming from a fingerboarder too, not some dude thats just hating on it

Bear Grylls

i want something to fingerboard on. I love to do it when im baked, its like the board is your hand

heres my setup



Random deck
4c bearing wheels
hella worn in riptape
td wides
riptape tuning
flatface pivot cups

Bear Grylls

4c is so legit, they gave me like 30 stickers in my wheel order. haha

maybe might get a new deck and trucks off 4c.

anyone know how wide a peice of pre cut riptape is? i have a peice laying around and want a deck for it