Flat Clips

brian amato

i've been riding a lot of street and doing a lot of tricks on flat lately.

i found out today that i can do full cabs... and i started doing some truckdrivers.

i haven't done a flat bri since i used to ride with my bars all the way down, but i think i have them back.

well, enjoy http://www.vimeo.com/1588436

and here's the link to the youtube version, but i recommend watching it on vimeo since my camera doesn't have the BEST quality - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNvHQVEZLT4


Steel Member
not bad, pretty good clips
i kinda got bored seeing the stuff been done over and over on street, try finding some sets, gaps, manual pads or something to make it look better and more enjoyable

brian amato

thanks guys. unfortunately i live in a neighborhood with like 1 gap and a weird 4 stair (which is in this guy's front yard). i'll get some footage of that kind of stuff when i get the chance and put it up sometime or in a mini video. i just felt like putting some clips of just flat and stuff idk why lol. and i can't drive since in only 14 so i don't have much access to good street spots :(

thanks though :)

brian amato

thanks! :D yeah the last video i posted was horrible, not much of a variety of tricks... and it was a while ago, too.

edit: okay maybe this one doesn't have a huge variety of tricks either, but it's not a full video. i'll get more clips and make a mini vid sometime.


I liked the 180-fakie-halfcab manny-180-fakie-fakie scooterfakie combo ALOT.
or whatever the 2nd combo was haha

brian amato

dude that combo was really annoying, but i'm glad i landed it cuz i like it a lot too. one time on an attempt, i got to the 180-manny part and hit a rock. i got kinda mad and threw it down the street...even though i'm pretty sure rocks don't have feelings, it made me feel better.