Flat Clips

Wow man that was really impressive.
My fav was the second line it was so quick and cool.
The 540s weren't even bad either.
Keep riding I'm looking forward to the mini.

brian amato

i've started making my mini.. but i'm going take my time and get as much good footy as i can to make it decent. i tend to put a lot of briflips in my videos, but so far i'm doing a good job staying away from them. and i've been working on more variations, like front bri to whips. i'm not too good at editing buuuuut im gonna try my best to do a good job. gimme tips if ya can :)

one last thing-
i've been having a hard time finding a good song to use that fits my riding, so if you have any suggestions... tell me :D


Silver Member
I'd love to be like everyone else and say that was sick..
But i can't...
I like seeing flat clips, especially manny + fakie stuff, but can you do a straight fakie without fsf? Because from that video it almost seems like you can't get out of fakie normally...
A slider is quite often more stylish than a fsf...
Other than that, was good, truck and bri were really clean.

brian amato

aaron, i actually think you made a good point. after i read ur post, i thought about the tricks i put in it... and what do ya know? i didnt put anything when i pivot out of fakie! i CAN fakie, i'm not super good at them though haha. and the only things i can do in fakie really is full cabs, barspins, whips, and i think sliders are fun (unless you're on the street i ride on).

but thanks for pointing that out. i might have never remembered to include fakie stuff in my mini vid. :)

and i have like 3 clips of fakie stuff too. http://www.vimeo.com/1606863 maybe more but i couldnt find it.

^^thats my amazingly smooth street at the end :D


Silver Member
Thanks for not arking up like people usually would :)
Nice other video, good to see you can fakie :)

brian amato

hopefully you'll see one soon chris =) like i said, im going to put my best into it. even if it isn't AMAZING, i want it to be the best i can do at the moment.