flat scoot

D ∆ V I D

Basic Bunch
just to keep me riding a little during the winter.

This is flatground only, but that doesn't mean anything on the flatground counts.
No feet on the ground. That means no, no complies.
No handplants.
No bonelesses.
No grabs.
Last letter gets two tries.
Offensive toe drag gets one do over.
Defensive toe drag has a bigger margin for error, but will ultimately
be decided by the referee.
Let's keep it clean. Let's keep it lean. This is the Battle at the Berrics
and there's only gonna be one winner, so may God have Mercy on your souls.

Robert Stine:

David set 1: http://s1099.beta.photobucket.com/u...3-4B0CD2833DAB-4651-000002529C5A6F9D.mp4.html

D ∆ V I D

Basic Bunch
if youre serious, you can set. my parents cars are in the garage and ill set and match tomorrow when they are not home.