im sure people say its lame because they cant do them. i agree it could be lame but if you do it with style and ake it look good its can be cool. i usd to stand on my brake and rotate the scooter around my back. its fun but i think what we really need is a style of our own. people have said that before. and its true. we shouldnt copy of of bmx and skateboards. think about it. the only really origanal tricks we have are the scooter fakie, the bri flip, and the scooter flip. everything else is from bmx or skate. we need our own style. something thats not possible on a bike or board. skating has the kick flip. bmx has the foot jam. we need our own trick thats only done on scooter that alot of people know. if you ask a random kid what a kickflip is thell robbly know. same goes with footjam if you know anything about bmx. we have the bri. ask some random kid what a bri flip is. he'll look at you like your a homo alien from outer space. we could do so much with flatland its not even funny. to me its one of the cooler styles of anything. its always smooth, its always flowy. well theres my speech. have fun understanding my mid school mind