Flip attempts


Super Geek
Staff member
1001st thread is dedicated to Andreas and Erti. (Was meant to be 1000th, Kyle pwnt)

Right click, "save target as..."

Filmed on 22th September, 2006.

Erti's flair attempts and Andreas's frontflip and flair attempts.
I haven't got any footage of Ertis frontflip attempts which look more like corked 360s.
And Andreas actually got one frontflip attempt pretty close, landed on his back and scooter was still under the feet coming with him, but i'm such a dirtbag that i messed up that clip.

Note: that's an old winter jacket with a lot of foam put in.
good job with attempts i tryed a back flip with a winter jacket and you all did flip variations with winter jackets and mine was blude ans so was yours ! amazing

pretty close on the front flip sort of and the flairs need alot of works but mega props for trying flips some of thoes looked pretty bad any injurys?


Super Geek
Staff member
Yea, both of them were pretty much okay after attempts, i still love to look how Andreas stalled on his elbow on that coping, it had no padding on his elbow, lol. So no injuries.