FOLLOW @TheDailyScoot on TWITTER.

Fellow riders,
Are you on twitter?
"Twitter is a service for friends, family, and coââ?¬â??workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?"
However, I am using it to release Freestyle Scooter Riding news, videos, competition results, and product releases.
If you aren't on twitter, sign up, and assign your mobile device to your twitter account in settings, and when you follow @thedailyscoot, make sure you click device updates, so that everytime a thedailyscoot tweet is sent, YOU get it on your mobile device. I will try and have scooter riders at competitions to give me the up-to-the-moment coverage. When epic videos are released, you will be notified! But, why use the twitter service when you have SR? Well, I will be getting my info on SR, and when a new thread is released thats important enough, you'll know!
Follow us at

Thank you! I'd also want to let you know, that we will be posting links everytime a Insane Scooter Blog is posted! We'd love to have team affiliates, and website affiliates, especially SR, where I can be notified of important news, as soon as it happens, but if not, I will always be checking in on SR, and Insane Scooters.
Also, we will post the COTW every week, and POTW will be our background!

Hope you all enjoy,


Staff member
Brian Boston said:
Twitter is the gayest thing since dudes putting it in eachothers rear ends.

I will have nothing to do with Twitter.


Silver Member

Why would I want anybody I don't know knowing what I am doing? I don't yell out to everyone in the supermarket "I am buying oranges" so why would I want to do it on my internet? When I was young, I lived in a small village where everybody knew each other and knew what everyone was up to. There was a fat italian kid who lived next door to me named Tony. One day I shot him in the leg with a home made bow & arrow from my treehouse that overlooked his yard and his parents called the police. Within hours the entire village was calling me William Tell. Having escaped the small town mentality for the last fifty two years, I am hardly going to advertise my movements now.