FRENCH ID: new team video

that video pretty much gave me the motivation to get right back into riding today, ive decided after watching that today im going to buy a new deck.
music didnt work for me in all honesty.
but the riding was just another level..
silly french id riders...
tricks are for kids.
hahaha jk i always look forward to french id videos. very inspiring to see some of the craziest riders in the world, and a little discouraging comparing them to my own riding haha. but its all for the love of the sport. keep it up guys, one of the best teams in the sport.


Matt, Jean Yves, Maxime, Peasley and Johann left French ID to go on a new brand, just stay tuned... I guess they'll throw the most incredible footage ever seen someday. I think Marko is on District or something. Arthur and Thibault don't want sponsors anymore.
Well that's pretty much all about it.