fs: 110 micro, spoked micro, eagle, hyoctanes, micro bullet, fork, old a deck, sting-ray deck

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
shipped, that would leave me about $5. and the purple one id rather wait a month than sell it for 20 shipped.

and "which u prob arnt going to" is rude and doesnt even need to be said. my first thread had a lot of buyers but they all ended up backing out on me. i would have sold it but one person made me wait and when he backed out, my other buyer had already gotten one.

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
i use usps. east coast is usually 4.80 and west coast (norcal, only time i did) was around 8.70 and it was 1.5 pounds.

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
purple metal core and spoked metal core/eagle for buffs. 20+ high, any width. or one pieces.

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
BUMP PEOPLE. im back. keep offering stuff. im in the hospital so i cant really stay on for long, but if we make a deal i WILL ship out the stuff.

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
mono, and pneumonia in both lungs. been here for a week, might go home later today (i hope, some people here seriously look like death).

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
15 sounds good. and it should, everything is almost the same as an old a. its a madd deck. the hole for the brake is farther from the deck than an old a.

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
it would fit but you would probably need a spacer or to drill out a different brake hole for it. its made for ungrinded blade brakes.