FS: Frnch ID forks. powdercoat black. and take2 origanals powder coat black and white

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
Tanner Smith said:
fuck you!
dude tanner stop.
liltonys right.
ralph posted before about not getting his take2 forks after he ordered them. take2 isnt legit. he lied about being non profit, he overprices everything, and he didnt ship ralphs fork. lying about being non profit is false advertising, which is against the law.
ok, i just looked at my dads paypal and he sent the money and 20 days later he took the money out of the account. an di might trade, but only for the rench id's.
no, not really. heres some pics:




id say hes legit, what would be the point of wasteing your money to buy and make these forks and just keep them? I see alot of people dont like him, but there is no proof of him actually ripping someone off. And not to mention his dad does all of it, why would a grown man who has a job and does this to help his son out steal from people? I truely doubt he ripped that Ralph guy off.