FS: Square (pirate) reinforcements

Conor Davidson said:
i orgasemed when i saw that scooter

Trevor Noller

Alex Steezeman said:
Yes it comes with the back axle and everything needed to put it on except the spacers that go in the back. And no they're not bearings spacers, they're the ones that go on either side of the wheel inside the dropouts on pro models/b models.
alright. awesome man. I might purchase one of these bad boys.
i got mine!! they're so awesome thanks alex

edit: oh and for any body else who gets these instell the back axle first than the bolts in the front after, so much easier for me
sam they are going to bend if you tighten ur axle to tight, and i got a small allen key and put it through it to make the spacer straight against the reinforcement than tap it in with a hammer, take the allen key out then tap it in some more and ur good