the clear wheel is a pro model wheel, it is hot glued and it will be no less than 5 dollarsi rode it once for 1 minute. it still has the line thing on it like whe you first get it. the green machine will be 5 dollars or more.
thats a good deal... ill think about it..meanwhile everyone post your offers and ill decide who gets what wheels.. and duke you can have those wheels 20 dollars, no less unless i get a better offer
never mind--
-Motives(3)= 6 dollars
-GM(1)= 5 dollars
-Hyper Srtypes(1)- 5 dollars
-Pro Wheels(2)=10 dollars or 5 for one
-110 Yak(1)= 5 dollars
-other yak= not for sale(i forgot it is dehubbing sorry)
i am not doing any deals exept this one:
buy all the wheels for:25 dollars.
other packages(like 2 wheels or 4wheels) just add up the prices and thats the total
ya but mine is free shipping and green machines brand new are 10 for one same with hyper strype wheels..mine are 5 for one and hot is the yak.