ft sr v2.2 for metal cores or decks


im not trying to scam anyone =[
ill go to the post office and see if they have shipped them yet or something cause they seriously lag hard.


like a week but my post office is terribly slow, ill go there tomorrow morning forsure and update you kay. i just want you guys to know im not trying to scam anyone.


if i dont get 4 protos in 1 week there back up no matter what deal then and dont complain when i dont get them in a week and i trade ok

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
thats not fair to zolof
if she sends them out and they take over a week its back up for sale? theres no way your legit. who the fucck have you done business with ON SR.

also, you were going to trade buffs for 2 of my wheels. i said deal but you have to ship first, and you said nothing back. thats kind of not legit, dont you think?