Gay rights


tyler, do you wear fucking clothes?

and also, quite possibly there are some people on here that aren't straight so even if you don't believe they should have equal rights, maybe you shouldn't just assume that no one would be offended by assuming that "straight" is normal. Look, if you want to define "normal" as the majority, a statistic, go right ahead, and you'd be right in saying that being straight is normal because most people are straight. But some people like burger king, and some people like mcdonalds, and some people like wendys. And they are all human beings with the right to have a fucking preference. sheesh


Steel Member
Nope, actually I'm a nudist.

And you think 1,500 animal species, only about 500 of which have well documented evidence, showing homosexual tendencies gives a legitimate scrap of a reason for accounting homosexuality as natural when there is a total of over 1.7 million species of living things on the planet that don't show any homosexual behaviors?

And no, I would not ever disown my bestfriend if he told me he was gay. But he's not so there's no issue.

Oh yeah and that top post on this page was meant to be humorous.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
Nope, actually I'm a nudist.

And you think 1,500 animal species, only about 500 of which have well documented evidence, showing homosexual tendencies gives a legitimate scrap of a reason for accounting homosexuality as natural when there is a total of over 1.7 million species of living things on the planet that don't show any homosexual behaviors?

And no, I would not ever disown my bestfriend if he told me he was gay. But he's not so there's no issue.

Oh yeah and that top post on this page was meant to be humorous.

... yes? 1500 species that are obviously not influenced by humans have homosexual behaviors. being gay is as natural as having adhd, their brains obviously work differently than yours, they wouldnt be gay if they could actually choose. i don't see what's so hard to understand about it. if there are gay animals, obviously its something NATURAL that occurs in NATURE.


Steel Member
Or possibly a mutation or error?

That's about 0.08 of a percent of the earth's animals that somehow are gay. I'd say it's a rare brain mutation.


Steel Member
so you throw a party at your house. you go to your room to smash this hot chick when you see 2 extremely hot lesbians naked on your bed making out and shit. you're telling me they shouldnt have any rights? ;)

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
^^ they have the right to smash on my bed. ill take the floor lol.

Or possibly a mutation or error?

That's about 0.08 of a percent of the earth's animals that somehow are gay. I'd say it's a rare brain mutation.

ok so if it is a rare brain mutation, does that mean they shouldnt have rights?

the only reason to dislike gay people is because of bullshit religious brainwashing or ignorance.


^yep. Following the logic that homosexuality is a mutation, therefore abnormal, and therefore homosexuals shouldn't have rights, then neither should people who suffer from downes syndrome. Or really any small genetic "disorder". Once you start thinking that way, how do you know where to draw the line?


Steel Member
Or possibly a mutation or error?

That's about 0.08 of a percent of the earth's animals that somehow are gay. I'd say it's a rare brain mutation.
I don't think you realize what a big number 0.08% is compared to all the animals in existence.
There are hundreds of billions of animals, which means according to your stats there is over 8 billion gay animals.


Steel Member
Negative, the percent was the percentage of species homosexual behavior has been documented in, not total percent of animals it has been noted in.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
it still occurs in nature.

if people with aspergers are allowed to get married, and they will believe that you own a pet godzilla, gay people should be allowed to get married.


Silver Member
Matr shut up now. You've realised that your argument has gone to ----- and that EVERYONE in this thread is against you, and so you try to make people feel sorry for you by saying "This is harsh I have had problems in my life." I'd like to point out that this is the internet, so nobody really cares. Both my Mum and my Gran died on the same day of completely seperate reasons, and I had to attend a double funeral for them when I was 8 years old. But I don't complain about it on the internet cause nobody cares, and it's irrelevent.

On a different note you are breaking the rules by commenting on something that you don't have a clue about.

I've put off replying to this for two days now, but I need too.

1st bold:
I never tried to make people feel sorry for what happened to my friend. I just brought it up in conversation because I was being flamed and people thought that I had no reason, and I just bashed for the fun of it. That is not the case. There are things in life that are hidden, and people need to learn to be careful where they are treading.

2nd bold:
I'm so awfully sorry to you that instead of coming home and researching gay relationships I ride my scooter, or do my homework.
You don't need to know the insides and outs of a red leather couch to have an opinion about something.

As far as I'm concerned you can stop with the bashing and acknowledge that I have a reason for my hatred, and nothing will change my mind.


Staff member
tony you're just bashing him now. Are you a homophobe-phobe? MUST YOU BE INTOLERANT OF HIS INTOLERANCE?

I hate people who are intolerant of other intolerant people, Pisses me right off.



I tried fapping to this and my dick caved in. :L

not really