Get your daily intake of brakefast

J dub

Bronze member
The BrakeFast of Champions!


J dub

Bronze member
you're a bit late on the whole flex fender thing..

Not at all Rob! Like saying my new JJW hybrid bearings are a bit late on the whole..... bearing thing. I mean, bearings are already out right?

Nah, only so many ways to make a brake bro. We tried a few different ways, we just love this style of brake. Didn't copy anybody elses shape, made it our own shape, our own way, out of our own metal. I predict most of the scoot market drifting to flex style brakes in the future.

Plus, come on..... who wouldn't want a sexy piece of titanium!


But doesn't titanium seem a little pointless? Yes it would be stronger but who ever really breaks a brake?
I snapped a flex brake before.

I like flex brakes, quiet, work good, maybe not as pretty as other brakes but they get the job done.

Spicy McHaggis

Steel Member
ya it looks like a flex fender but you kids are idiots! Skateboards are all the same shape, same with trucks, and bike frames, there are just little different things that each company do to each

J dub

Bronze member
The thing with the titanium, is it won't bend if you crash, It will just snap.

The force required to snap a titanium brakefast would be absurdly unnatural. it would take a hard, direct hit right on the side of it, catching it just right without hitting the wheel.

Highly unlikely.

I'd feel confident if you bought a ti brakefast, it would be one of the last brakes you'd never need to buy.