Girls on their Period


Steel Member
tell the bitch straight up to shut up.... and to flush the god damn toliet....i hate seeing my sisters used up bloody tampons in there


Steel Member
Lucky for me my gf doesn't get all pissed off and bitchy, she just gets depressed and tired. I swear to god, this works every time: CUDDLE. Don't give me shit about being too manly or whatever. Just do it. She'll be happy you did.


Bronze member
Lucky me I don't got a bitch no mo'e, but when I did, and she was all emotionally fucked in the head, I just made sure not to say anything that would cause ----- and if she's like the shitty(for her) emotional, just be a suck up comforting bastard to her.

Joey Wallace

Steel Member
tahahahahah, and tyler, youre a fucking idiot, dont fuck a girl while they're on their period thats gross!! pull out your dick and theres period blood all over it,PEACE OUT!


Steel Member
Tell them what they want to hear. Don't ever disagree because they're ALWAYS right. In due time when their period is over they'll come to realize how much of a cunt they were being to you and give you the whole "I'm sorry. I'm not myself when i'm on my period" deal. If they're smart they'll pay you back nicely too. ;)

This guy is smart.

Hep Greg

When the river runs red, take the dirt road instead*

But, I refuse to take the Hershey Highway.

Your best bet is to ignore them. Or, if you can't iognore them, just be polite. Common courtesy will get you everywhere. And when she starts an argument, just agree with her. Allthough it'll make you seem like her little bitch, it'll work wonders.

best advice in this thread. trust me.
Mine used to get real pissed, and we'd always fight and everything was always my fault.
Then I said, bitch please, and layed down the fuckin law. Now we dont fight, and she isnt pissed as much.


my girlfriend broke up with me on her period i was hella pissed because her friend that hates me took advantage of that so she made up a bunch of stuff i was saying about her.............damn i was about to tap into that haha

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
Someone could punch me in the dick and make me bleed out of it and i don't think id be acting like a bitch.

Sorry, i don't see how any amount of menstruation and chemical imbalances in the brain can cause a complete loss of self control. I've seen girls who are extremely nice whether or not they're on their period, which makes me think that it's an excuse for a bitch to be a bitch.

I'm probably wrong but w/e, that's my uneducated opinion.


Steel Member
my girl doesn't get angry, shes just kind of sad and wants me to hold her. Nevertheless I avoid aggravating her.


this girl on her period (im assuming) cock blocked me at a party. her friend was faded (so was i) and was coming on to me. then out of nowhere her little munchkin friend gets in the middle of us and starts yelling all this crap about how this girl has a baby blah blah blah and i shouldnt take advantage of her like that. i didnt even know what to do at first, but while she was a-flappin away i finally thought of the perfect thing to say. i looked her straight in the eyes, pointed towards all the beer and said, "you see all this brew?" she finally stopped yelling and listened, "i got it so we can make some BAD decisions tonight!" that just pissed her off more so we went to a different party haha. one of those "had to be there" moments you know...