go carts.


raced once at the park near me so epic!!!!! did a lap record and i dont use brakes wen i drive never need em drifting works for meh.

Tom LoForese

Steel Member
i been racing go-carts for a while now

i have a 125cc easy cart at the moment hella fun gets up to like 80 something on the straight away. if you have the money to do this do it you wont regret it

old picture from like 2 seasons ago

EDIT: take off the restricter plate ya pussy, is the go-cart you getting have a briggs and straton motor on it if so i dont think your going to be that fast, and tip be smooth in your driving makes u a lot faster

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
sick shit right there. as of now idk what im getting. im going to some shit in pa next saturday. but yea when i get into this we deff have to race some time

Edit:what kind of easy cart?


N-M said:
raced once at the park near me so epic!!!!! did a lap record and i dont use brakes wen i drive never need em drifting works for meh.


I'm just gonna throw this one out here for everyone then. Drifting is slower then braking. To drift anything the rear wheels must have a greater slip angle then your front wheels. A drift is essentially a controlled slide, to do a drift you must break the rear wheels grip of the surface and make them slide out farther then your front wheels. In racing, unless this race is Formula D, then drifting should never be used unless you make a rookie mistake and go into a corner with too much speed. This is the only time a drift should be used at all, to shake off excessive corner entry speed. If you have one car brake and one car drift a track with drivers of equal skill in each, then the car that brakes will always be faster. With a drift, not only is it just about impossible to hit the apex of a corner perfectly, you cannot regain grip instantly. So when you go through a turn you may want your grip back, but unless you are a pro drift racer, chances are you probably don't know when you're going to get it back. So I'm sorry if I sound like an asshole, but I doubt you set a course record drifting. That just doesn't happen and it never will.


Formula D fuck yes! I go every year to see them. I want to be one of the drivers but i doubt it will happen. And Tony can't wait to own you at the track.


ïalph said:
Formula D fuck yes! I go every year to see them. I want to be one of the drivers but i doubt it will happen. And Tony can't wait to own you at the track.
You know they have more then one race? lol.

Don't doubt. Just drive. =] Practice practice practice. I knew Sam Hubinette before he was pro and he spent tons of time in parking lots just going through tires and practicing. You can do it, but you need a lot of practice.

Can you race pocket bikes on go kart tracks? Cause I'll totally race you Tony on my 50.

Brian Shawley

Bronze member
dude, you knew sam hubinette?!?! thats super gnar! any ways i used to race for about 2 or 3 years but quit cuz it was so freekin expensive. i raced at evergreen speedway if you know where that is i got like 2nd in the finals. super fun sport tho. =)


scooter brian said:
dude, you knew sam hubinette?!?! thats super gnar! any ways i used to race for about 2 or 3 years but quit cuz it was so freekin expensive. i raced at evergreen speedway if you know where that is i got like 2nd in the finals. super fun sport tho. =)
Yeah I do. What class and what car? And yeah, I met him when he was in Cali doing stunt driving. I was getting a tour of the studio he was working at and he was just relaxing and he was wearing a Dodge Viper T-Shirt. Our tour group took a look around his studio and I talked to him for a long time. He's a legit dude. We chilled.