its fucked i tried to ride the half pipe out da back last year and yeh it was ok until you droped in and face planted on the chain at the bottom!!! why do they chain it up??
if its not just walk in the shop (iwhtout your scooter) and ask them to open it up. might help if you bring a skateboard with you.. or like bolt cutters lol
1. upload your image
2. once its done scroll to the bottom of the page. there will be a thing saying
or wahtever it says.
3. copy that link
4. go to SR and type in
[ img ] *PASTE THE LINK HERE* [ / img ]
but do that without all the spaces in betweem everything
and for the last part instead of highlighting it and clicking 'image' (which you still can do on SR) you can ALTENATIVELY just type [ img ] *link* [ img ] (WIHTOUT ANY SPACES IN IT). if you guys seriously can't understand that tjem yur all retarded