Dear Devon,
everytime i read one of your stupid fucking posts your bitching about ----- making up shitty comebacks like:
I'm sure you're going to have a problem reading this paragraph, so if you want me to dumb it down so someone on your intelligence level can understand, just send me a PM and I will gladly do so :]
You are just fucking gay and piss people off by just breathing.
or you can just grow a set and get normal chromoly bars? lol @ little kids busting a nut over anything considered lightweight.
The only people who really care about weight to this extent are the little 13 year olds that weigh 59 pounds.
Hi, i am zane, im 12 and i weigh 50 kilos, I ride chrome moly bars, xt forks, steel strip renforcements and eagles.
Alot of people care about fucking weight, some people ride heavy scooters, some people ride light scooters, its fucking preference, not how strong you are.
So shut the fuck up and stop acting so tough.
/Zanes bitchs of the day.