
Tom Cirbee

Super Moderator
Staff member
Nothing special. Just trying out some new markers.



This is a few months old. I deff fucked up on the lettering, and glasses. But hey i did it in school on the back of a worksheet. aha


Steel Member
Welp, just got told directly by the person that ignited my interest in graffiti that I suck and if I keep trying I might be decent in 5 years. There goes any drive I had to get better.

Ben Moak

Steel Member
Talk to almost anyone about graffiti that actually has been around it long enough or knows a thing or two, and suddenly everyone sucks and is just the biggest toy in the world.
I mean I'll admit my shit is pretty bad, but your has plenty of potential if that was your first dabbling into graf, plus who gives a fuck just have fun with it.


Steel Member
If that's how it is, then fuck graffiti because I don't want to be around such egotistical douchebags in the first place.

EDIT: Plus, it wasn't even just him. I didn't get any responses from anybody. Took me like all day, thought I did a pretty badass job for my first time. Posted it in at least three places, and Ben, you're the only person that even responded. And people wonder why I don't draw any more. I mean, it is nice to take a step back and say "I did a great job on this", but everybody knows that compliments from others mean way more than self-satisfaction, even if nobody wants to admit it.