

dargersaurus rex
just a quick one my friend did in 15 seconds, ill get better ones soon. just a video grab


Hep Greg

nick darger said:
just a quick one my friend did in 15 seconds, ill get better ones soon. just a video grab



-margaret & greg

PS why is there a pointy dick on the left?


dargersaurus rex
o i dont know what that is there, i think my friend messed up a T or something. we might go back today so i will get some pics. there is also a real deep tunnel with a bunch of taggings that i might get pics of


The name is Margaret
tell your friend to quit using crappy paint;
stop doing crappy bubbly numbers;
practice on paper before you make a public eyesore;

and for basically greg, elmer, and i guess angelo,


dargersaurus rex
my friend has a note book with a bunch of different styles, next time i see him i will post some pics. and for the paint it was there and almost empty so he just did a small one.
only dickheads do graffiti cause in aus some good skateparks cost like $3 million and the council ask of nothing in return. how would you like it if you just built a house for $3 million and some one graffitied on it?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!


i dont like grafiti on private property much, but theres nothing at all wrong with grafing skatepark/shitty corporations.
ed: read that wrong, but my point still stands.
emu. said:
i dont like grafiti on private property much, but theres nothing at all wrong with grafing skatepark/shitty corporations.
ed: read that wrong, but my point still stands.
buddy, graffiti on buildings,parks,private proptery or anything is OK!
its not like we right on houses lmfao