

Margaret said:
sure thing cor?

i like to write my name on shitthat doesnt belong to me because i damn well feel like it, and i want you to be pissed off in the morning.

PS i look radiant every day of my life cuz im gods gift to the scooter rider.
aka GREG and GREG only.
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha right ;];];];];;];] sureeeeeeee
SYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grant Carlin said:
scootsteve said:
banksy recently did a cave man piece been washed away by a man with a power washer thing

he did it in one of the tunnels of the london underground.

if you go into those tunnels your almost certanly going to die by getting hit.
so i dont know how the hell he did it.

WTF do you ever fuking read anything or do you just look at pictures.

it was called the cans festival, its a disused tunnel under waterloo. blek 'the mo-fuking legend' rat was there.

it was all legal.

the london underground?? do u just make stuff up for things you dont read.

oh soz dude

i was on my paper round in the morning and i was running late so i couldnt read it all.


angeLO. said:
yea i know but now imagine it wit paint thinner its is now beter
how would paint thinner do anything it would make it wayyyyy to drippy.
if anything add some dot 3 to it.

or go to
and order some smash ink
its soooo fresh!



Hep Greg

the top ones not bad, but you should work on the bottom one... dont close off all the open space in the letters, make your letters in similar styles, maybe something like this:


you can use this if you want to.

and angelo, paint thinner wouldnt do sh!t to garvey, because they won't mix. garvey is alcohol based, and paint thinner is oil based. if you wanna make garvey more potent, you can buy some gentian violet powder and mix it in. they sell it at pet stores in the fish section. or you can buy some of this.