

Bronze member
thanks for the advice guys. i didnt take your advice in this because i only just read it so im guessing same things apply

Arnor Smari

Bronze member
take donald's advice jay. you don't need top of the line stuff yet,
So while I was on my way back from florida, on the plane's trays there are advertisements of looney tunes. I was bored so I copied one of the characters onto paper and added other stuff. it was not traced, just straight up freehand with the tray as a reference.

The graffiti was all me, just bugs bunny was copied. It turned out looking a big different than the tray whereas the arm holding the carrot isn't as long as the one on the tray and I made his thumb and pointer finger overlap which the one on the tray did not.
But here it is :)

Thats sick! And Alex, I can see you're going to get pretty good pretty soon.


Bronze member
Cheers, ive just been writing all day cos i cant ride. And my aunty is an artist= like 25 free paint pens comin my way...yeah!
Thanks Arnor :D

thanks for the advice guys. i didnt take your advice in this because i only just read it so im guessing same things apply

And Alex, this is better, but still a bit sketchy with the 3d. For example, if you look at the W, the left-most arm of it has 3d on both sides of it. Whereas the rest of the letters do not follow that pattern. Don't use arrows. Work on simple letter structure first. You have potential to develop a nice style. But for now, mainly focus on the simplicity.

Lets see some more!


Bronze member
I know what you mean about the 3d, so im going to make my characters less vertical so my little brain doesnt get confused
take donald's advice jay. you don't need top of the line stuff yet, start with some decent markers and work your way up and develop a preference for different things. since you should be on paper, try getting some paint markers made by either sharpie or decocolor. and get some colored pencils and experiment with that stuff and expand accordingly. try out these sites: like arnor said,,,

stick with the basic generic stuff first.

Yea, but I've used a shit tonne of different markers, and they all fuck up on me../: So I wanted something legit hahah.


You all need to just keep sketching. F fill up black books with pencil, go over with highlighter, go over with a light marker, then a dark marker, then a sharpie, then a deco. Cover PAGESSS with your name. Dont even try to piece until you've sketched letters and letters and letters! Check out other graff on flickr/google. Learn your history, watch documentaries. GET inspired.


Alex, youre trying too hard. Get simple! Also I'm always down for an exchange. But you've gotta write my name first.


Bronze member
i bought a 120 page book and im gonna try fill it in a week. thanks for the criticism, your right
and yeah, ill exchange, i cant get "want" to click


More flow! dont worry babe it'll click one of these days. Do Donald I, not gonna give you the name I write with for reasons.

Arnor Smari

Bronze member

This one is like a year old or so, just found it on the computer the other day haha. The shading is shit.
And Hep Greg, that handstyle is dope

Hep Greg

thanks man. you should check out two writers; Daim & Peeta. they do crazy 3d style shit like you're drawing.

Arnor Smari

Bronze member
thanks man. you should check out two writers; Daim & Peeta. they do crazy 3d style shit like you're drawing.

Yeah Daim was the one that got me into the 3d stuff. Totem is my main insperation though, he's as crazy as you can get with 3d! Check out