take donald's advice jay. you don't need top of the line stuff yet,
So while I was on my way back from florida, on the plane's trays there are advertisements of looney tunes. I was bored so I copied one of the characters onto paper and added other stuff. it was not traced, just straight up freehand with the tray as a reference.
The graffiti was all me, just bugs bunny was copied. It turned out looking a big different than the tray whereas the arm holding the carrot isn't as long as the one on the tray and I made his thumb and pointer finger overlap which the one on the tray did not.
But here it is
thanks for the advice guys. i didnt take your advice in this because i only just read it so im guessing same things apply
take donald's advice jay. you don't need top of the line stuff yet, start with some decent markers and work your way up and develop a preference for different things. since you should be on paper, try getting some paint markers made by either sharpie or decocolor. and get some colored pencils and experiment with that stuff and expand accordingly. try out these sites:
bombingscience.com like arnor said,
and oinkartltd.com
stick with the basic generic stuff first.
thanks man. you should check out two writers; Daim & Peeta. they do crazy 3d style shit like you're drawing.