
Hep Greg

dont mind the thro. Im pretty fuckin drunk at the momnet,


ill give it another go in the am

LOL, jesus donald. thats terrible.

here's another:



Steel Member
LOL, jesus donald. thats terrible.

here's another:


i did one like this earlier and sent it to my friend...he likes it but i also did the one donald did to and he said to make the letters flow better..but i got all the letters down on yours hep i just need to clean up the u and the e more

edit : got two postal slaps and put them together to make one big sticker and did that piece on it hep i threw it up by a carls jr...ohhh yeah and i went to this art / frame store and the had a shit load of montana golds all different colors already with tips on them for 10 each and they had like a pack of 16 caps for 4 bucks lol i was no way montana paint is in a art store right now...and where there sharpies were there was this tagging handbook on how to graffiti i was cracking up but it was cool because there was some pretty crazy shitt in it


Steel Member
yeahh i need to practice outlining with a sharpie, its kind of difficult with sharpies too outline unless you have a steady ass hand.


Just stick with sharpies.

Heres a test guys, use ONLY a thin black sharpie. If you cant make something look decent without color, you should keep trying. STUDY other letter forms DO NOT copy them. Practice flow.

I dont want to see any color in the next few sketches


Steel Member
ohh i have all kinds of sharpies i already know whats up with flow and stuff..i have one fine tip sharpie, plenty of pens and pencils, 2 FAT sharpie paint markers, for outside though of course haah, then a ton of normal sharpies, colored penicls, and more haah

i actually did the vague hep posted with a pen once and sharpies a ton of timess...and i did the one you posted and i think i made it look pretty good.

edit: these were my first trys on both of them....i dont really like the e hep did was kinda a pain in my ass same with the u
and yes i do know there not the best i like to say these are my ROUGH ROUGH drafts haha
and dont mind the red on the bottom one, i was going to fill it in then i was like damnit, it was a felt marker so like pieces of the tip would come of in the ink


Ben Moak

Steel Member
i have 2 sharpies, one blue and one black and thats all i ever use or have used minus that one paint pen for like a day. ive got a piece im working on now that should be done in the next day or two


Steel Member
ben id say work on the first three letters...but the t, u and the s look pretty cleann bro

and user-name, i dont see anything wrong with yours really just try to flow in one line when your outlining because i think thats what made it look sloppy